RC weekend wrap up. Cheers & jeers.

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RC weekend wrap up. Cheers & jeers.

Postby bnd » Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:43 pm


- Utah BMX.coms 1st team sheet came in with a strong 14 points, lol ! The "Black Tacos" will be working on lowering that overall at the next race.

- Looks like we picked up Dylan Collings to the team, welcome!

- Micheal Ervin singing the national anthem is AWESOME. Honestly, thank you for doing this.

- RC holding the bigwheel races & handing out trophys. Can I recycle the ones that are piling up? :)

- The Healeys for watching our son while D & I race. I still feel like I'm putting you guys out but I really, REALLY appreciate it, thank you.

- Ok, after the races on Saturday night we decided to go out for food, after talking to the Spencers & inviting ourselves :) we all met up at "The Pie" just north on Redwood Road & on the East side at the strip mall, you can't miss. Boy are we ever happy we went. It's been a very long time since our family has done this after a race with other groups & it's a great time. I would imagine this place could become "the place" for our bmxers so maybe I'll see you there next indoor Saturday night.

- Seeing Lee Geddings again racing after being away to Afganistan.

- Seeing Travis Sweeney, OS BMXER & all around great guy. Yeah, I can tell he's thinking about getting back into it after seeing the 41-45 class Saturday night. We raced bitd as teens & I haven't seen him in probebly 10 years.

Jeers. :(

- The Fire alarm situation. Honestly, Iv'e got to hand it to Ron for being so calm in the mic. I think I would of put up a $100 bounty for the culprit right there & then. :x

- BMX is an action sport & also, believe it or not is contact sport too. Whether you get elbowed in a corner, cut off down the first straight, or worked in the rythem......nobody likes a poor sport. If you can't handle BMX go do rec. league kick ball. Shake hands even if your mad as hell, go home & work on your game.

- I didn't know there was an expiration date on track bucks. Iv'e got a boatload of them that got stashed away years ago & we just recently found them, oh well. I guess I'll make a pinwheel out of them! :roll:

- What I would give for some healthy food at the snack bar. I know it's not up to RC but a boy can only dream. :)

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